Published onOctober 20, 2023Corbett Report - The Great Travel Resettravelrestrictiondigital-id15-minute-citycorbett-reportYou'll own no car, and can travel by air up to 4 times in your entire lifetime.
Published onOctober 5, 2023The Government and Big Tech Are Manipulating Your Realitybig-techcensorshipinterviewgoogle
Published onOctober 5, 2023The Zenith Passage - Datalysiumtechnical-death-metalalbum2023the-zenith-passagedeath-metalBest tech death record in the last decade.
Published onSeptember 30, 2023The Citizens of Aurora Say No to 15 Minute Citiesaurora15-minute-cityUnited-NationsDigital-IDCDBCAgenda-2030Joel Sussman, speaks to 15 minute cities in Aurora, ON, September 20, 2023. This is important for everyone to hear - the method is the same regardless of where you live.
Published onSeptember 20, 2023IMPORTANT MESSAGE: Emergency Broadcast SystemnewsimportantfemaemergencyStay safe... On Oct. 4th FEMA will be conducting a nationwide emergency broadcast system test.