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This agenda should be what we are all talking about, but sadly, there are way too many brain dead morons out there that have no clue what is going on. Perhaps Corbett is right - if people can't get a condensed, two-minute long tiktok video on these topics (which exist anyways), they can't be bothered to pay attention and look for themselves. You can hear how frustred he is, and I can relate because I feel the same way.

Our most fundamental freedoms as human beings are being taken away and people either have no clue what is happening, or will deny it because it's a "conspiracy theory" (but really, they are just lazy and stupid). It's time to wake up, people. If millions of people cared enough to follow these issues, instead of wasting their time with things that don't matter, we could have a significant effect on derailing this. Instead, people go on watching their sports, playing their video games, scrolling through the same few bullshit social media apps for hours, completely oblivious.