"We are the last free people. We are the people that have the last chance to act."

The Third of May 1808 - Francisco Goya

5 min read

We are the last free people. We are the people that have the last chance to act.

-Julian Assange

I've decided that I won't be taking the time to draft posts, and at least for now they will be a work-in-progress as new ones go up. Things may get edited for a short period of time after I post as I am working on technical aspects of this site.

I think with all of the noise we deal with on a daily basis, it's difficult to keep with. I will try to post articles, news and other information that I believe should be shared. I also think it's important to have open discussions, which is why I started writing here in the first place - to try an evade the dystopian censorship nightmare we are living in. I ask that anyone who takes the time to read these posts to please consider contributing their thoughts, whether they agree/disagree, or have a different perspective.

Stolen Water - Waging War On Water Rights and BC Food Security

The agenda of the elite is unfolding right before us. Much like the land they are stealing from the farmers in Holland, the government is putting restrictions in place for farmers in BC that will push us towards Agenda 2030. This is a dark future. Our governments push these policies and restrictions with no solutions offered and continue to justify these moves with the climate change hoax. This is completely infuriating. When people have lost everything, and own nothing, can't get food, and can no longer trade with money, we deal with each other instead separated by the barrel of a gun. I really don't think people grasp what the near future looks like.

U.K. - Power to Forcefully Enter Your Home and Install Smart Meter

The U.K. government has passed a bill that will allow them to use force to enter people's homes and install smart meters. Another measure to ensure that the goals of Agenda 2030 are met.

Wake up. There is no climate change emergency. Just like there was no covid emergency. It's always the same process:

  1. Fabricate a problem.
  2. Instill fear in the population through the corporate propaganda machine.
  3. Achieve your desired outcome by offering the solution to the fabricated problem, to assuage people's fears.

If you resist, they will throw you into prison.

We can be fined up to £15,000 or face one year in prison for failing to meet any future energy performance levels any government imposes.

This is terrifying. If you do not think this is coming here too, you'd better think again.

HAARP Weather Warfare Machine

Every aspect of our weather is being altered and manipulated by geoengineering programs. The HAARP ionosphere heater installation in Alaska is only one of many large radio frequency / microwave transmitters located around the world that are utilized for climate engineering purposes.


Witness HAARP operating at full capacity in these images:

More and more people are waking up. A lot more people now are learning the truth, and there are more who feel that something is wrong, but don't know what. Yet, I don't know of many people who are willing to talk about it. Everyone should be talking about what is happening. I have not been able to figure out why more people aren't doing so. Everyone needs to know what is happening. I have had a few thoughts about why:

  • They are afraid of the truth, and our reality.
  • They are afraid of how others will perceive them.
  • They have regret in harming their bodies with the injections.
  • They do not think that they have any power to change our fate. We are living through the greatest trial mankind has ever seen.
  • They are exhausted. Constantly bombarded with information, addicted and unable to disconnect from technology, has left us confused, mentally exhausted and sick.
  • As more and more people lose their livelihoods, families get torn apart, children get harmed - people have lost their will to fight.

We have very little time left, and this is no exagerration. I believe Assange is right to say that this is our last chance.

People need to find the courage within themselves to fight for our children, and for the fate of mankind. If we do make it through this, every single one of us will face judgement for our words and actions throughout this time.

And just a reminder that it is OK to be afraid too... we need to find the courage to face that fear together. And together we do not have to feel like we have to face this alone.